Vscode Jupyter Markdown

# v1.7.x (February 2021)

What is Markdown? Markdown is a human readable syntax (also referred to as a markup language) for formatting text documents.Markdown can be used to produce nicely formatted documents including PDFs and web pages. When you format text using Markdown in a document, it is similar to using the format tools (e.g. Bold, heading 1, heading 2) in a word processing tool like Microsoft Word or Google. O markdown oferece suporte ao alinhamento de texto nativo sem o uso de html + css? ITCHING to drop Jupyter Lab/Notebooks for VSCode Insiders the moment this is fixed since notebooks now have full IDE errors & completion & goto which actual Jupyter even Lab can't compete with, as well as inherit all syntax colors from theme!! Extension version: 2031621-dev.

This release adds features that let you further adapt Argdown maps to your style of reconstruction.

First of all, you can now use icons and images in your nodes to visually categorize your statements and arguments or make them visually more distinct from each other.

Secondly, Argdown is now better suited to produce inference trees from complex arguments. You can now produce argument maps that more closely resemble other argument mapping tools that do not have the concept of arguments as 'containers' of premise-conclusion structures but rather treat arguments as 'connectors' between premises and a conclusion in a map.

Vscode Jupyter Markdown

# Adding images to your nodes

You can now use tags or metadata to add images to statements or arguments. Here is a simple example:

Vscode jupyter notebook theme

For further details, please read the new guide on adding images.

# Creating old-school argument maps and inference trees

Vscode Jupyter Markdown

This release adds several features that are especially useful for Argdown users that want to visualize the internal inferential structure of complex arguments or prefer the 'oldschool' style of argument maps in which every statement is represented by a node in the map:

  • With the explodeArguments option every inferential step in a premise-conclusion-structure is automatically put into its own argument (without touching your Argdown source code), so that the internal inferential structure of complex arguments is visualized (especially useful in combination with statementSelectionMode all)
  • With the new argumentLabelMode none argument nodes are visualized without text as small colored circles (if you want you can also do that for statements). This saves space and makes it unnecessary to give each argument a title
  • You can now change the Graphviz node shape and style. In 'oldschool' maps argument nodes can be represented by small colored circles, to visualize their role as simple 'connectors'.

Argdown can now be used to create argument maps in which each inferential step is simply the 'connector node' where different premises are linked up. This will also make it easier to switch to Argdown coming from other argument mapping tools that use this 'oldschool' approach to visualization.

A new chapter in the guide introduces the optimal configuration for these kinds of maps. You can simply copy & paste the example settings used in this chapter into your own map or configuration file.

# Other new features

  • Shareable links for the sandbox: You can now click on 'Copy Link' to link directly to your code example in the Argdown Sandbox(opens new window).
  • Custom fonts for pdf export: If you need to use unicode fonts, you can register these fonts with the pdf export (see #213(opens new window) for the details)

# Bug fixes

  • argdown-vscode: fixed missing csp error (216(opens new window))
  • argdown-vscode: fixed loading of argdown.config.js files (#215(opens new window))
  • argdown-vscode: improved webpack bundling (in cooperation with @aduh95/viz.js)
  • sandbox: fixed sandbox build error (#208(opens new window))
  • @argdown/web-components, docs: fixed bug in web-component that led to examples being hidden in syntax docs (if first opened url contained an anchor) (#206(opens new window))
  • argdown-vscode: empty line leads to extension host crash (#195(opens new window))
  • argdown-vscode: syntax highlighting for bracketed tags (#192(opens new window))
  • argdown-core: fixes lexer error when frontmatter yaml data contains equal signs.

Vscode Jupyter Markdown Download


As always, all package dependencies have been upgraded.

# Where are the relase notes for 1.6.x?

Vscode Jupyter Markdown

While releasing the first packages of 1.6.x I found a way to add images to Viz.Js, which is a feature that has been on the wishlist for many users for a long time. Additionally the bundling up of argdown-vscode led to new issues with 1.6.x that had to be fixed anyway. So I decided to stop the release process of 1.6.x and skip to 1.7.x directly.

Vscode jupiter markdown 8

Vscode Jupyter Notebook Intellisense Not Working

# Older releases

Vscode Jupyter Markdown Latex

For the relase notes of 2020 visit this page(opens new window).